Male Soap Opera Moment: WWE Backlash Preview Show!


#codyrhodes vs. #brocklesnar

#mattriddle , #kevinowens , and #samizayn vs. The #bloodline (#solosikoa , #jeyuso, and #jimmyuso ) (with #paulheyman )

#rhearipley (c) (with #dominikmysterio) vs. #zelinavega (with #reymysterio)

#sethrollins vs. #omos (with #mvp )

#austintheory (c) vs. #bobbylashley vs. #bronsonreed

#biancabelair (c) vs. #iyosky (with #bayley and #dakotakai )

#badbunny vs. #damianpriest

Announced on March 8, 2023, the 18th Backlash will feature the backlash from WrestleMania 39. It is scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 6, 2023, at the Coliseo de Puerto Rico José Miguel Agrelot in San Juan, #PuertoRico, marking the first WWE event to be held in Puerto Rico since New Year’s Revolution in January 2005, which was also at the same venue, and the second event overall to be held in the territory.

🎙Join Dez, Booch, and Wenz ⭐
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#wwe #backlash #wrestling #podcast

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